Rishikesh was nice. I stayed in an 'ashram' that didn't really seem too 'ashramy'... which I guess suited me since I couldn't be bothered with that whole scene right now. Did a yoga class at the ashram one morning which was horse S#&$, then attended a different yoga school 10m down the road after that. The new teacher was very good and knowledgeable and spoke about tensing our anus muscles whilst sitting in order to ensure we have a strong anus. Apparently yogis don't have loose anuses (ani?) or so he says. Fortunately I wasn't the only one stifling laughter under my breath. Hiding out in the courtyard of the ashram was a nice break from the exhausting cities.
Yesterday morning I electrocuted myself whilst trying to charge my mobile phone. Then I voluntarily went for a swim in the Ganges. And yes, I put my head under! TWICE! It was very refreshing and lovely, actually. The sun had just risen, the water was freezing cold and the scenery was beautiful.. closest I'm going to come to a Rishikesh spiritual experience lol.
My transformation into super assertive bitch Amiee is complete... I told off several rickshaw drivers for asking ridiculous prices, and I even told of a beggar who kept harassing me with his hand out in front of my face.
Caught the train to Delhi, which was Uh-MAZING. Like the Agra train, they served food. About 4 courses of food! Each course I thought would be the last, I had no idea how much food there'd be! When I first got on the train they gave me a samosa, some sweets, chai and a mango popper. Then they brought out a bread roll and a cup of soup. Then the main course of 2 vegetarian curries, some chapati and rice! And THEN just when you thought they were done.. ICECREAM! BAM! And GOOD icecream too. A cup of creamy vanilla icecream. Brilliant!
I arrived at Delhi, and even though I knew the way to the hotel and it was about 500m away I was going to get a rickshaw seeing as it was after 10pm. Well.. I told several more rickshaw drivers off who were trying to take advantage of me and charge up to 10x the price it SHOULD cost. Bugger them, I walked. In theory probably not the smartest choice but ran into no problems.
Probably a good thing I fly out tonight... God knows what I'll do next! I'm a donkey on the edge!!!!!!!!!!
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