I love Jodhpur!!
I went and saw the massive Mehrenghar (probably spelt that wrong) Fort that towers over the city this morning. You have to climb up the winding path through several gates with huge ornate doors with spikes so that the elephants couldn't batter them down without seriously injuring themselves in the process. The final gate is at a 90 degree turn so that the elephants couldn't get a good run up! Best fort so far! It's really well preserved and the free audio guide is very interesting to wander around listening to! Interesting fact.. the title 'Maharaja' meaning 'Great King' was first given to a Rajput ruler by emperor Shah Jahan, the emperor who commissioned the Taj Mahal. The displays were very interesting too.. lots of great artefacts like 'Howdahs', the ornate seats used on the top of elephants. There was even one there made of wood and covered in silver that Shah Jahan had gifted to the maharaja of Jodhpur.
I spent the whole morning wandering around the fort and then decided to go and check out some antique shops! DROOL! So many amazing things! Particularly the giant wooden doors.. unfortunately torn from havelis. When a developer buys land with a haveli on it he often sells all the architectural fittings ie. the windows, doors, ornate carvings etc and then demolishes the haveli. Such a shame that the beautiful old buildings get knocked down but at least the fittings survive!
Then spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the Old City, getting lost and finding my way back home! I randomly ran into my French friends while I was lost! I went to ask directions at a juice stand and they were there sipping coconuts! The reason it's called the blue city, BTW, is because a lot of the old havelis are painted Brahmin blue (or other bright colours) which, when you're looking down from the fort, make the Old City appear very blue! I'll post photos soon!
Wish I could spend more time here but unfortunately with less than 2wks left in India I have to keep on moving! Udaiper tomorrow! WOO!
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