As the title suggests, I just spent (over) 24hrs on a train.. and it sucked.
Was pretty much like being in jail, I imagine.
I traveled sleeper class, which was the lowest class on the train because the next class up, 3 tiered sleeper with aircon, was triple the price.
It was very basic. 3 tiers of the usual upholstered mattresses, everyone sits on the bottom tier during the day and the 2nd tier is folded down to be a back rest. I was lucky enough to get the Upper Berth which meant I could climb up and lie down whenever I want.
I think the worst thing about extended train travel is the lack of food. There are food hawkers that occasionally walk the aisles but you can't trust their food and since I'd only recently been in hospital with a bad stomach, I wasn't tempted to risk it.
I took some biscuits, a yellow fruit cake loaf 'thing', and some potato paranthas (like naan) for the trip. However when I went to eat the paranthas, I discovered that the ants had discovered my meal before me and they weren't salvageable.
For the most part, the tonnes of men around me were very nice. One guy gave me a chain so I could secure my bag under the seat so it wouldn't get pinched during the night. Another guy went and bought water and juice for me when we stopped briefly at a station. An older guy offered me some of his packed dinner. And one particularly lovely guy who I later found out was a national security guard bought some bananas and gave me 2, woke me up this morning with a cup of chai he'd bought me, and for breakfast went and bought me a packet of biscuits which he practically forced me to eat, obviously seeing that I hadn't been eating much.
I guess that's one upside of being a lone female traveller, the nice people are concerned for your wellbeing!
I did, however, get woken up by one douche at 3am because his elbow touched me. He was talking to his mate in the berth under me and he had his arm on my bed leaning down. It happened twice and when I pushed it off, he took that as grounds to start the usual "where you going? where you from? your name?" conversation. I told him that I'm sleeping, and so then he decided to tell me that I'm "the most beautiful and sexy girl on this train". I went mad at him and told him to GO AWAY. "Sorry if you have trouble" he replied as he slunk off. They just have no idea of appropriate conversation! Maturity level - 14yr old boy.
When I FINALLY got off the train about 25hrs later (apparently the train was running 3hrs late) I then had to go and wait in the booking office to book my ticket for a few days time before it sells out. Then I couldn't find my guesthouse pickup so I bought a prepaid rickshaw drop off.. and THEN my guesthouse pickup shows up. The 2 rickshaw drivers I had paid and the 2 guesthouse rickshaw guys were talking it out with the guy in the prepaid booth, deciding what I would do without telling me what the F was going on.. I kept saying EXCUSE ME but they either ignored me or told me that everything is ok. I was like... NO. NOT OKAY. TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?! They'd taken my prepaid ticket and were talking money etc etc without including me at all with what was happening, there was talk of the guesthouse guys charging 200R which was more than twice what I had paid for the prepaid ticket (which had been confiscated) and I just lost it and yelled at all of them. Was effective. You just can't be god damn polite in this place!
After the rickshaw ride I had to walk 20min through the labyrinth of the Old City of Varanasi to the guesthouse. During the walk, liquid of some sort was thrown from an upper balcony and splashed partially on my head and pack.
I got to the guesthouse, closed the door, and had my first real Indian meltdown! It was just all too F-ing much! I was tired, starving and absolutely filthy.
I have since remedied the situation by showering, napping, and I found a restaurant and had my first pizza in 2+ months!
*Sigh*. Cambodia in a week. This place is exhausting me.
Hordes of fans are waiting for the next installment....