Man I love this country.
And man I LOVE airports! Even Delhi airport was awesome. People watching in airports is spectacular! And I may be a brainwashed consumer but God it was lovely to be in an airconditioned clean place with comfy chairs and sparkly shiny things to buy. Not that I bought anything! I just sat and drew and wrote in my notebook (my equivalent of talking to myself) and watched everyone walking by. My airport zen was broken, however, by this young Indian guy who was sitting near me. He stood up and put his bag next to me... I could tell he wanted to talk to me so I just kept ignoring him and drawing in my book.. and then he stood over me for like 5 min.. I kept ignoring him.. and then he was like.. "I see you're writing about marriage" (I had written a little snippet about a conversation I'd had with my jewellery guy that day in which he told me that he has had many girlfriends but he makes sure it doesn't affect his wife and family by not spending lots of money on them etc).. The guy had been standing there reading my notebook and took that as a cue to start up a conversation!! Bastard. The usual "where you from? where you going? where you been?" conversation ensued in which I did my best to give him monosyllabic answers and look busy. I even took out my novel and started reading but he didn't get the hint. Eventually I just had to get up and walk away!
Flight was at about 11pm.. was pretty crap due to being put in the middle of a big group travelling together who kept being loud and moving around and bumping my seat.
Got to Thailand 5am local time and found a nice uncomfortable place to nap for an hour. I had to wait until about noon before I could check in my baggage and move to the departure area so I just passed the time drawing in my notebook and people watching! The hours actually flew by surprisingly. I LOVE AIRPORTS! Checked in and found a nice couch to nap on for a while.. but first I went to Burger King and ate my first beef in over 2 months!! OM NOM NOM!!!
Quick flight to Phnom Penh. Man I love this place. Everything is so easy. There's no hassle. And I'm wearing shorts for the first time in 5 weeks! My legs don't know what to do with all the sunlight! Loving it! Gotta go organise a Thai visa now and then I'm heading to Kampot this afternoon! Should only take 3-4 hrs.. SO QUICK!! Brilliant!!
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