I decided to take dad's advice of not being "gung ho" and pay the $13 for a guy to drive me there and back on his motorbike rather than the $10 for me to ride there myself and no doubt stack it and do lots of bleeding on the sandy/rocky rough tracks.
It took around 2ish hours each way due to the 3 river crossings where we had to wait for the little wooden motorboat to come and then load in our bikes and everyone else's stuff etc. Actually I think the trip there was the best part. A lot of the way we rode on almost deserted beaches or through dense palm tree jungle or little fisherman villages. Very scenic.

The beach itself at Ngwe Saung was nice but as I said, it's just a resort town. I'm glad I wasn't staying there, after the 3h my moto guy allocated me on the beach I was pretty bored. It seems to be a place you go as a white couple to stay in a bungalow and ignore each other whilst lying in the sun all day. I went for a bit of a stroll down the beach and did some swimming and lying in the sun, but was well and truly done by the time we had to head back.
Journey back was the same apart from the fact we had a punctured tyre which we had to stop and get pumped up in every village.
I moved from my little bungalow today to a place in town. It was almost a little sad to leave but it wasn't quite as fun with Basti, Jake and Saioa gone. It's a really nice place to stay if you have people to hang (and go skinny dipping on the beach) with but otherwise it's a bit ronery.

The staff had been so lovely. After Saioa left they gave me a special rate so I could stay there longer. My favourite staff member was a girl called "Pyew Pyew" who called me "Miss Lychee" at first because she didn't know my name and I was staying in the Lychee bungalow. "Excuse me, Miss Lychee, your motorbike is here". She also exclaimed that I'm so beautiful I could be a movie star (which clearly won her points but really she just loved my super pale skin). One of the male staff would pick me flowers whenever I saw him and bring me tea and bananas. Celebrity treatment. The night everyone left I felt a bit lonely so I went and watched an episode of "Prison Break" with all the staff, who were all very engrossed and were trying to explain the storyline to me but in Burmese and with actions, which was hilarious because I actually knew the storyline but they didn't understand me telling them that. The only single bad experience I had was last night when I was half asleep and woke up to someone shining a torch in on my face through the awning window. Naturally I woke up and freaked out that someone was either trying to perv on me or steal my stuff so of course in my half asleep stupor I turned that bungalow into Fort Knox, locking down all the windows, turning on the porch light, putting the bin in front of the door so if someone opened it, it'd fall and wake me, before going to sleep with my Swiss Army knife under my pillow. Don't mess with half asleep and freaked out Amiee.
So clearly this paranoia wasn't very conducive to sleep and I woke up intermittently to make sure no one had broken into my bungalow. I told Pyew Pyew about my bad night this morning and she explained that the security guard had thought he'd heard someone crying, and knowing I was alone, wanted to check nothing bad had happened to me so it was him shining the torch in my window. Oh. Okay then.
Had a bit of a lazy nap day today. I took the crappiest room in the new hotel to save money, but then got bumped up to one of the nicer rooms because the crappy room was actually booked. Real shame.
I've got another full day and night here in this amazing place before heading back to Yangon to fly out to Nepal!
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