Yesterday, being scarred from our busride from hell, we decided to take a mini-van to Ban Lung instead. It was a 12-seater mini-van, and we had 22 people and a caged bird crammed into it. Bigtime sardine experience. Steve and I shared the backseat with 2 Danish people, and we luckily didn't have anyone in our laps, unlike most of the other people in the van. At one point there were even 2 men sharing the drivers seat! We also had a flat tyre along the way (a large portion of the journey was by dirt road) but apart from that, not very eventful.
Today we hired a couple of motorbikes along with 2 other travellers we had met in order to go and visit some of the waterfalls around town. The local 'tour company' wanted to charge us $15 each for them to take us out there, which they strongly suggested because apparently we would get lost. It only cost $6 to hire the motorbike for the day, plus 11,000 riel to fuel it up, so we saved a lot of money and didn't get lost. Unfortunately, our fellow traveller, Stu, skidded off his bike on some loose gravel and took a chunk out of his knee so deep that we could see his knee-cap etc. Luckily fellow traveller, Chloe, who was on the back of the bike, was fine; just some minor scratches. Steve took Stu back and did some first-aiding while we waited at the waterfall, but we decided that we should really find him a doctor as it really needed stitches. We knew the people we hired the bikes off spoke very good English, so we went to them for help (and to let them know what happened to the bike) and they took Stu to a DR where he got sown up.
On our way back to our Guesthouse for lunch, however, a 4WD sped accross the intersection in front of us, Steve braked, and we came off our motorbike. Luckily we were wearing helmets, and we weren't driving very fast; the driver of the 4WD didn't even stop. Apparently most people around here don't know much about road rules. I got lucky with just a bit of gravelrash on the back of my forearm, but Steve has it all up his arm and down his side, basically all the way down to his undies. We got taken to a DR and he cleaned all the dirt out, which I think was more painful than the actual accident. Now we've just got to keep the cuts clean! gah..
Today we hired a couple of motorbikes along with 2 other travellers we had met in order to go and visit some of the waterfalls around town. The local 'tour company' wanted to charge us $15 each for them to take us out there, which they strongly suggested because apparently we would get lost. It only cost $6 to hire the motorbike for the day, plus 11,000 riel to fuel it up, so we saved a lot of money and didn't get lost. Unfortunately, our fellow traveller, Stu, skidded off his bike on some loose gravel and took a chunk out of his knee so deep that we could see his knee-cap etc. Luckily fellow traveller, Chloe, who was on the back of the bike, was fine; just some minor scratches. Steve took Stu back and did some first-aiding while we waited at the waterfall, but we decided that we should really find him a doctor as it really needed stitches. We knew the people we hired the bikes off spoke very good English, so we went to them for help (and to let them know what happened to the bike) and they took Stu to a DR where he got sown up.
Please put antiseptic on your grazes often - & remember: "Covered cuts heal faster"! xx