Singapore was a good way to 'ease ourselves' into Asia; most of it could pass as Brisbane, except the Asian:White ratio would be slightly higher than normal...
Having a few hours to kill before we caught the train, we ventured forth from the Airport into Singapore for some brief explorations and dinner. The lady at the Airport Visitors Centre and the man at the MRT ticket machines that we spoke to both seemed somewhat troubled by our lack of set plans and 'let's just wing it' attitudes. Both were very helpful, but I think they were sure we'd end up utterly lost (which we didn't!).
The Singapore MRT (mass rapid transport) system is very simple to navigate; all very well signed and the ticketing is very easy to understand.. miles ahead of Translink back in Brisbane, not to mention that it's never late!
Later that night we caught the MRT and a taxi to the railway station where our overnight train to Malaysia departs. The station is run by a Malaysian company, so Customs was a bit backwards (and very laid back - they barely looked at our documentation and never took our departure cards) (not to mention that they let me(steve) back through customs, past all the queues, just to get a bottle of water...then just stroll back in without a word from the officials...Awesome! hehe - steve) as we went through Malaysian entry before half an hour later stopping at the border of Singapore to go through Singaporean exit procedures. Unfortunately, when we stopped and got off the train at the Singapore border, I left my Singapore Arrival Card stub (which apparently you need) in my bag on the train and had to be escorted into a separate room to wait. Luckily the guy there did something up fairly quickly (not sure what) and I was free to go again.
We are now in Kuala Lumpur and enjoying it a lot! Although we have been overseas for less than 2 days, due to lack of sleep it feels like we've been gone a week! Amiee.
I hope you've been taking photos of the architecture?