I realised that this is by far the longest I've been in the one place whilst travelling! It's nice having a temporary 'home' to come back to every day and no long bus/train/plane journies and lugging your bags around to find a new place are definitely positives. I do miss the 'backpacker' scene though; staying at a hostel with a common room to read, watch movies, and meet other travellers. I'm looking forward to getting back amongst it in India. Food is definitely easier to find in backpacker areas. Most of the local warungs here don't seem to open until late afternoon, so breakfast and lunch are a bit harder to find. For breakfast I've arranged with my 'hotel' to provide me with some toast, tea, and fruit (at a price). For lunch when I'm not at work I end up getting Nasi Campur which is food in a 'buffet' style set out that has all been cooked and sitting there for who knows how long. Haven't have a problem with it (stomach-wise) but I do tend to feel ripped off by the owners who I'm sure charge me Western prices (there's no menu so you never know how much it's going to cost until it's all served up on your plate). I have a favourite warung that I got to for dinner every night because it's the tastiest and cheapest in walking distance.. mie goreng ayam (noodles with chicken) is only 8000rp (just less than $1) and a mixed fruit juice is 5000rp! mmmmmm.
These last two days have been Ramadan and so the office has been shut. I've been hanging around with friends I'd made in Ubud and Sanur who came out and visited me yesterday. We then went and spent the night at Owain's house watching movies (YAY!). Owain host couch surfers and the three Russian girls he'd had renting rooms there for the last month had bought a seafood feast to celebrate their last night in Bali. They must have had at least a kilo of huge prawns plus clams. They marinated them and fried them up on the bbq... I must have eaten at least 10 huge prawns... sooooo goooooooood!
Today I went on a massive shopping expedition with Karley from California (on the left). Went to some of the huge shopping malls around the area. At the Discovery Shopping Mall, which is on Kuta beach, they had a 'cultural display' of two girls doing some traditional Balinese dancing. It was definitely interesting, especially with the juxtaposition of the traditional costumes and the 'Myer' style cosmetic counters. I bought some new sunglasses to replace my last pair that snapped as well as some baggy 3/4 pants to wear to India.. for less than $10 altogether.
Back to work tomorrow!
Amiee x